Grand Master's OV to Alamo Lodge

What: Grand Master's Official Visit to Alamo Lodge No.44

Guest Speaker - Senator Jeff Wentworth

Where: The Historic Alamo, Shrine of Texas Liberty, 300 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, Texas 78205

When: Friday, 10 December 2010,    6:30 PM - Light refreshments in Alamo Hall

7:30 PM - Alamo Lodge No.44 opens in The Alamo (Master Masons Only)

Ladies Program in Alamo Hall

9:00 PM - Masonic Festive Board/Dinner in Alamo Hall ($25.00/person, Wives & Partners Welcome)

22 Nov 10 RSVP Deadline

Call (210) 222-0133 - SA Scottish Rite to pay & reserve your seat


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