
Showing posts from March, 2020

Family Night Dinner Cancelled - Lodge will be open for Member who need coffee and snaks.

Brethren and Family Members, Based on the Grand Master's recommendation and the fact that our speaker canceled, I am canceling Family Night this month. I will be at the Lodge and Brother Segovia will prepare some refreshments for those who need some fellowship or did not get the word. There is no further change in the Lodge schedule at this time. Fraternally, Russell Brown

RW Orville O'Neill, PGM, put aside his working tools.


The Honorable Sid Shaenfield Masonic Services

The Honorable Sid Shaenfield laid down his working tools Mar. 11, 2020 with his family and a few very close Masonic Brethren. Masonic Services will be conducted under the direction of his Home Lodge, Lonnie Irvin Daylight Lodge No. 1309 AF & AM by the Honorable Roland G. “Ron” Havens on March 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm at  Porter Loring Mortuary,   1101 McCullough Ave, San Antonio, TX 78212 Please join me in prayer for the Honorable Sid Shaenfield, his family, friends and Brethren.  May God bless and caress each and every one. Amen

The Honorable Sid Shaenfield laid down his working tools last night

Honorable Brethren, The Honorable Sid Shaenfield laid down his working tools last night. I have no funeral information as yet, but will get it out as soon as I get it. Please keep the Shaenfield family in your prayers. Sincerely & Fraternally, Daniel B. Owczarzak, PM Texas Masonic Lodge No. 8 AF & AM 122 Washington St., San Antonio, TX 78204 In God We Trust, Always & Forever M: (210) 887-5238