
Showing posts from May, 2018

FYI, Tuesday 29 May, Master's Degree !

Remember tomorrow, 29 May 2018, We will have a Masters Degree.  We will also have 2 Special guests, Brother Christian, a Member of The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, will be receiving his 50 Year Service pin.  Also attending our very own DDGM  RW Chip Green.

Family Night - Thank you to Lynne and Jimmy.

Lodge gave special thanks to Brother Jimmy D. Huckabay and his Lady Lynne, for their support over the years.

Family Night - Community Builder Award

Mr Mason Leist, received the 2018 Community builder Award.

Master Mason Degree

We will be having a Master Masons Degree on 29 may 2018 Lodge will be opened at 7:00pm Social hour begins at 6:00pm Food for thought; remember when you received your degree? Would it have been better if more Members attended? Let's fill the seats !

Wimodausis 141 OES installation.

Wimodausis' # 141, Order of the Eastern Star will have their Open Installation of Officers on  Monday, June 11th at 6:30 pm

Stated Meeting

Just a reminder, our May Stated Meeting is tonight.  1 May 2018 dinner is at 6:30pm. Business Meeting starts at 7:30pm.