
Showing posts from January, 2013

John Yeglic Pased Away

Brother John Stephen Yeglic passed away on January 23 rd , 2013. He will have a visitation at Sunset Memorial Chapel on January 27 th , 2013 from 6 to 8 PM with a funeral service at 9 AM on January 28 th , 2013 at Sunset Memorial Chapel on Austin Highway with graveside services to follow immediately afterwards. Brother Elliott B. Samuels will be the Funeral Master for the Masonic Service.  Brother Yeglic is a Past Master of Charles W. Anderson Lodge No. 1413 and a Past District Deputy Grand Master for Masonic District 39-B (1995-1996).   Brethren, please plan to attend this service as Brother John Yeglic has done much for our fraternity over the years.   Fraternally Yours,   Dennis Lafferty District Deputy Grand Master Masonic District 39-B Secretary, Charles W. Anderson Lodge No. 1413 Phone: © 210-710-5907 Email:     

Member Furneral planned

Bro. Joseph Cleveland Ray, a 50+ year member of Charles W. Anderson Lodge No. 1413 has gone to join his brethren in the Spiritual Lodge above on January 5 th , 2013. Graveside services will be conducted at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery at 9:30 AM on January 15 th , 2013. I have a request out for Bro. Elliott B. Samuels to do the graveside service, but he is out of town right now and will be back later in the week.