
Showing posts from 2011

Member passed away.

Robert D. "Bob" Cherniss, a Member of our Lodge passed away, his services will be as follows. Viewing will be tonight Monday 31 Oct. at Mission North, on Cherry Ridge, between 6&8pm. Services will will be held on Tuesday also at Mission North at 3pm. Masonic and Military services will be conducted at FSH at 9am on Friday.

Family Night 18 October...

Remember this comming Family Night's program will be on the York Rite.  This should be of interest to all as our Blue Lodges in Texas are York Rite Lodges.

Stated Communication

On 6 September.  This will be our DDGM's Official visit.  Come out and hear the message from our Grand Master.

2 more members have passed away

Bro. Harvey William Zombro, Sr ., passed away yesterday afternoon and will be buried on Tuesday, July 19 th , at 2:30 PM at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery . FM will be Bro. Elliott B. Samuels. Visitation will be on Monday, 18 July, at Mason Funeral Home Chapel from 6-8 PM in Mason , TX . Church services will be at 10 AM on July 19 th at the Mason Funeral Home Chapel.  Bro. Harvey Zombro was initiated, passed and raised in Charles W. Anderson Lodge No. 1413 in 1978. Also, we received notification of the death of James Moore , son of Bro. William Edd & Cookie Roberts , an Endowed 50+ year Mason and member of our lodge. A memorial service will be held at the JCPC on Saturday at 11 AM for their son. Fraternally & Sincerely Yours, Dennis Lafferty, PM Secretary Charles W. Anderson Lodge No. 1413

Bluebonnet Installation

Saturday, July 16, at 7:00 PM. Past Grand Commander James Higdon & Past Grand Prelate Knox Duncan will install the officers of Bluebonnet Chapter & Council for the 2011-2012 year. Sandwiches, baked beans, chips, desserts, coffee & drinks will be served. at 6:00 PM. This will be an open meeting to any one who is interested in York Rite, or just wants to come out for a free meal.  Please contact Jim Huckabay ( or 210-842-7241) or Bob Perkins or 210-485-9423) if you wish to attend. This will help us plan for the meal. Fraternally yours Jim Huckabay...Incoming High Priest Bob Perkins.....Incoming Thrice Illustrious Master

2 Masonic Services - one from Charles W. Anderson Lodge

Bro. George W. Smith, Jr., PM, Charles W. Anderson Lodge passed away on Friday, 1 July 2011. He will have a service at the Church of the Resurrection on Walzem Road on Thursday, 7 July 2011 at 10 AM with burial to follow at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery at 11:45 AM. Bro. Smith was 91 years old an a Past Master of Charles W. Anderson Lodge No.1413, a member of Fort Sam Houston Chapter # 17, National Sojourners and a member of the Alamo Camp, Hero's of '76. FM will be Bro. Elliott Samuels. Bro. Richard Lee Hedquist, of Cold Spring Lodge No. 274, Leeton, MO passed away and will be buried Friday, 8 July 2011 at 9:30 AM at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Masonic Service will be by Highland Hills Lodge. Thanks... Fraternally, Dennis Lafferty, PM Secretary Charles W. Anderson Lodge # 1413 Cell Phone: 210-710-5907 Email:

Al Hopper had surgery

Al Hopper, sent yesterday;  Please pass along your good thoughts and prayers for me as I go under the knife in a few hours. I know it's only a minor surgery, but I don't like to be cut on, especially when I'm under anesthesia. My wife's surgery is next week...

John Quebe status

I received the following up date from Bruce Thompson. John is in CVU NE Baptist Hospital. He did well with the 5 by-pass, but is having numerous developments post surgery that are hindering his recovery. As of today, they are concerned with his chesh wound, which is leaking - an indication of infection. As such, visitation is not recomended.


Subject: NOTICE TO ALL TEXAS LODGES AND BRETHREN: THE TEXAS MASONIC LICENSE PLATE is scheduled to go on to the web for public comment later this month. It will only be there for comment for only 10 days. The Department of Motor Vehicles will notify us of the link for public comment when it becomes available and we need to click on and show our support for the Texas Masonic License plate. Please notify all your members that are on your email list and at your meetings to check their email daily for notice of the link to public comment. The greater the support the better chance we have of having the plate approved by the Department commission.